Case Studies:

Robhots Edibles

Revamping the widely-loved robhots gummies

Our collaboration with Robhots, a leading edibles brand across multiple states, was an exceptional journey. From crafting a vibrant brand identity to deploying innovative graphic design and AI techniques, our services transformed Robhots' online presence, solidifying their position as innovators in the cannabis edibles market.

Joining the Robhots Fam:

  • Canva Brand Setup

    We established a vibrant and cohesive brand identity for Robhots using Canva, ensuring a visually appealing and consistent representation across various platforms and between multiple designers/marketing managers.

  • Social Media Design

    Crafting eye-catching posts and stories, we curated a visually engaging social media presence for Robhots, fostering brand awareness and connecting with their audience on multiple levels.

  • Content Catalog

    We conducted a thorough cleanup of Robhots' content catalog, streamlining visuals from previous photographers and in-house content across multiple states to maintain a unified and polished brand image.

  • Fresh, Exciting Design

    Utilizing innovative graphic design techniques, we created fresh and exciting content for Robhots, setting them apart in the edibles market with visually captivating and trendsetting designs.

  • Sales Sheets Designs

    Collaborating closely with Robhots, we provided support in crafting sales sheets, especially focusing on brand collaborations like the successful partnership with Lazercat in Colorado.

  • SOPs & Guidance for Visual Content

    We developed Standard Operating Procedures and offered guidance for Robhots' visual content, ensuring consistency and high quality across all marketing materials.

  • In-Store Advertisement Design

    Crafting impactful in-store advertisements, we designed visuals that not only attract attention but also communicate Robhots' brand message effectively to consumers.

  • Merch Photoshoots

    We conducted photoshoots to showcase Robhots' merchandise, capturing the essence of their brand in a visually appealing manner.

  • Marketing Collateral

    We created targeted marketing collateral that seamlessly introduced Robhots to their respective markets, maximizing brand impact.

  • Holiday Content

    Infusing festive spirit into their content, we curated holiday-themed visuals that resonated with the audience, creating a sense of celebration and connection.

  • AI Art & Masterful Content Editing

    Employing AI art and expert editing techniques, we expanded Robhots' content library, breathing new life into existing visuals and ensuring a fresh and dynamic online presence.

  • Meme Content Design

    Catering to a diverse audience, we crafted meme content that resonated with various demographics, adding a touch of humor and relatability to Robhots' social media strategy.

  • Social Media Creation

    Taking charge of Robhots' social media platforms, we managed, curated, and strategized content to maintain a consistent and engaging online presence.

  • Social Media Execution

    Executing a comprehensive social media plan, we implemented strategic content releases and engagement tactics to foster a strong and active community around Robhots.

  • Social Media Engagement

    Engaging directly with the audience, we ensured Robhots' social media presence remained interactive, responding to comments and fostering a sense of community around their brand.

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